From book : Pro JavaScript Techniques

In JavaScript, scope is
kept within functions, but not within blocks (such as while, if, and for statements).

Closures are means through which inner functions can refer to the variables present in their
outer enclosing function after their parent functions have already terminated.

Currying is a way to, essentially, pre–
fill in a number of arguments to a function, creating a new, simpler function.

Using a self-executing,
anonymous function you can essentially hide all normally global variables from being seen
by other code
(function(){/*do something*/})();

The way context works is through the this variable. The this variable will always refer to
the object that the code is currently inside of.

这一章的主要讲了一些有关javascript 语言本身的内容. 作用域, 闭包,上下文, OO方式编程, 私有变量/函数 等等.
我觉的内容. 作用域, 闭包,上下文 这些都很重要.
至于实现私有变量/函数 等等其实就不必要了.
因为良好的编程风格应该有人的习惯来实现, 不需要语言层次来强迫, 特别是这种用很不容易的理解的方式.
所以 私有变量/函数 之流 仅仅用来做理论研究就可以了, 至于在实践中就免了吧…


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