最近在使用validation.js 这个表单验证库(Really easy field validation with Prototype)
遇到一个问题,对于<input type=”file”> 表单元素会失败.原因在于prototype.js 中的$F()方法不能获得<input type=”file”> 表单元素的值.

所以有两种方法来修复这个问题,其一 ,change
if(Validation.isVisible(elm) &#038;&#038; !v.test($F(elm), elm)) {
(at line 86 of validation.js (1.5.2)
if(Validation.isVisible(elm) &#038;&#038; !v.test($F(elm)||elm.value, elm)) {
第二种方法,as new version of validation.js
pass two argument “v” and “elm” to validation rules.
We can use elm.value instead of v to validate.

Validation.add('validate-paper', 'Only pdf or doc file is acceptable', function (v,elm) {<br /> v = v||elm.value; var ext = v.substr(v.lastIndexOf('.'));<br /> return (ext.toUpperCase()==".PDF" || ext.toUpperCase()==".DOC"); });